GPS velocity field (MIT 2016.0a) for the East African Rift System generated by King et al.

Dataset Identification:

Resource Abstract:
This GPS-derived velocity field for East Africa was generated from continuous (cGPS) and survey-mode (sGPS) data acquired between 1994 and December 2015 and is part of a larger regional velocity field determination (Investigators Robert King, Michael Floyd, Robert Reilinger). The data files are in ASCII text format and were created as part of the project called Active Kinematics of Lithospheric Extension Along the East African Rift. Also included is documentation describing the data sources and calculations used in generating the velocity field. An updated version of the solutions is available at Funding was provided by NSF grant EAR13-47192 and EAR13-47282.
Title  GPS velocity field (MIT 2016.0a) for the East African Rift System generated by King et al.
publication date 2017-03-10
Topic Category:   oceans
datatype Keywords
keyword term:  Geodesy:Velocity
thesaurus name >
Title  MGDL Data Type vocabulary
dataCentre Keywords
keyword term:  Marine-Geo Digital Library (MGDL)
project Keywords
keyword term:  EARS_King
Location keywords:
keyword term:  East African Rift System
Resource language:   eng
Resource extent
Geographic Extent
Geographic Bounding Box
westBoundLongitude  -15.633274
eastBoundLongitude  72.370242
northBoundLatitude  69.662719
southBoundLatitude  -49.351467
point of contact - pointOfContact
organisation Name  Marine Geoscience Digital Library (MGDL) | Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA) | Columbia University
position Name  MGDL Data Manager
Contact information
Postal Address:
electronic Mail Address:
point of contact - author
individual Name  King, Robert
organisation Name  Massachusetts Institute of Technology
point of contact - author
individual Name  Floyd, Michael
organisation Name  Massachusetts Institute of Technology
point of contact - author
individual Name  Reilinger, Robert
organisation Name  Massachusetts Institute of Technology
point of contact - author
individual Name  Bendick, Rebecca
organisation Name  University of Montana
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Reference system information

Reference System Identifier
Identifier string:  urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326
Title  EPSG Geodetic Parameter Registry
publication date 2008-11-12
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Resource distribution information

distributor contact - pointofContact
organisation Name  Marine Geoscience Digital Library (MGDL) | Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA) | Columbia University
position Name  MGDL Data Manager
Contact information
Postal Address:
electronic Mail Address:
Format name  ASCII
Format version  1
Digital Transfer Options
Linkage for online resource
name  link to landing page for resource
protocol  http
link function  information
Description  Link to landing page for GPS velocity field (MIT 2016.0a) for the East African Rift System generated by King et al.
Linkage for online resource
name  DOI Landing Page
protocol  http
link function  information
Description  Link to DOI landing page.
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Metadata Information

Metadata data stamp:  2024-06-23
Metadata contact - pointofContact
organisation Name  Marine Geoscience Digital Library (MGDL) | Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA) | Columbia University
position Name  MGDL Data Manager
Contact information
Postal Address:
electronic Mail Address:
Metadata scope code  series
Metadata language   eng
Metadata standard for this record:  ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata - Part 2: Extensions for Imagery and Gridded Data
standard version:  ISO 19115-2:2009(E)
Metadata record identifier:  urn:org.marine-geo:metadata:21764
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Metadata record format is ISO19139-2 XML (MI_Metadata)