Ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) data off South Island, New Zealand, acquired during R/V Maurice Ewing survey EW9601 (1996)

Dataset Identification:

Resource Abstract:
This cruise was part of a joint US-New Zealand multiphase crustal-scale study of the Southern Alpine orogen across the central South Island of New Zealand, extending out to sea on either side of the island. This joint US-NZ investigation of continental deformation at convergent plate boundaries was known as the South Island GeopHysical Transection (SIGHT) project. MCS and OBS/OBH data were collected on the west (Tasman Sea) side and east (Pacific Ocean) side of South Island. At the end of the cruise OBS/OBH and SCS data were collected off Kakanui Point just south of Timaru as part of the Southern Cross Anisotropy Survey. One of the objectives was to improve understanding of continental deformation at convergent plate boundaries by using marine onshore/offshore seismic techniques to provide a detailed image of the plate boundary from both sides. Funded by NSF grant # EAR-9418530 and the Public Good Service Fund, Ministry of Research, Science
Title  Ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) data off South Island, New Zealand, acquired during R/V Maurice Ewing survey EW9601 (1996)
publication date 2019-11-11
Topic Category:   oceans
Theme keywords (IEDA topic):
keyword term:  Oceans, Marine Geoscience, Solid Earth
Theme keywords (IEDA feature of interest):
keyword term:  Continental Margin, Southern Ocean, Subduction Zone
Theme keywords (IEDA data type categories):
keyword term:  Seismic Refraction
instrument Keywords
keyword term:  Seismic:OBS
thesaurus name >
Title  MGDL Device Type vocabulary
Theme keywords (datatype):
keyword term:  Seismic:WideAngle:OBS
thesaurus name >
Title  MGDL Data Type vocabulary
dataCentre Keywords
keyword term:  Marine-Geo Digital Library (MGDL)
dataCentre Keywords
keyword term:  ASP@LDEO
project Keywords
keyword term:  EW9601
Location keywords:
keyword term:
Resource language:   eng
Resource extent
Geographic Extent
Geographic Bounding Box
westBoundLongitude  167.898125
eastBoundLongitude  173.603472
northBoundLatitude  -41.674895
southBoundLatitude  -47.464527
Resource extent
Temporal Extent
1996-02-07 1996-03-13
point of contact - pointOfContact
organisation Name  Marine Geoscience Digital Library (MGDL) | Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA) | Columbia University
position Name  MGDL Data Manager
Contact information
Postal Address:
electronic Mail Address: info@marine-geo.org
point of contact - author
individual Name  Davey, Fred
organisation Name
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Reference system information

Reference System Identifier
Identifier string:  urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::4326
Title  EPSG Geodetic Parameter Registry
publication date 2008-11-12
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Resource distribution information

distributor contact - pointofContact
organisation Name  Marine Geoscience Digital Library (MGDL) | Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA) | Columbia University
position Name  MGDL Data Manager
Contact information
Postal Address:
electronic Mail Address: info@marine-geo.org
Format name  SEGY
Format version  1
Digital Transfer Options
Linkage for online resource
name  link to landing page for resource
URL: http://www.marine-geo.org/tools/datasets/26331
protocol  http
link function  information
Description  Link to landing page for Ocean bottom seismometer (OBS) data off South Island, New Zealand, acquired during R/V Maurice Ewing survey EW9601 (1996)
Linkage for online resource
name  DOI Landing Page
URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.1594/IEDA/500079
protocol  http
link function  information
Description  Link to DOI landing page.
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Metadata Information

Metadata data stamp:  2020-05-24
Metadata contact - pointofContact
organisation Name  Marine Geoscience Digital Library (MGDL) | Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance (IEDA) | Columbia University
position Name  MGDL Data Manager
Contact information
Postal Address:
electronic Mail Address: info@marine-geo.org
Metadata scope code  series
Metadata language   eng
Metadata standard for this record:  ISO 19115-2 Geographic Information - Metadata - Part 2: Extensions for Imagery and Gridded Data
standard version:  ISO 19115-2:2009(E)
Metadata record identifier:  urn:org.marine-geo:metadata:26331
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Metadata record format is ISO19139-2 XML (MI_Metadata)