Comprehensive Biological Study of Vostok Accretion Ice

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Resource Abstract:
Abstract: The large subglacial Lake Vostok in Antarctica is unique ecological site with a novel microbial biota. The temperatures, pressures and lack of light all select for organisms that may not exist anywhere else on Earth. The accretion ice (lake water frozen to the bottom of the lower surface of the glacier) has preserved microbial samples from each region of Lake Vostok as the glacier passes over and into the lake. Thus, without contaminating the lake with microorganisms from the surface, microbes originating from the lake can be collected, transported to the laboratory and studied. Two of the deepest ice cores sections in this project are part of the international allocation. The will be shared between four researchers (Sergey Bulat from Russia, Jean-Robert Petit and Daniel Prieur from France, Scott Rogers from USA). The United States team will study, isolate, and characterize bacteria, fungi, and viruses that have been sampled from the lake through the process of ice accretion to the lower surface of 3500+m thick glacier overriding the lake. The project will involve a suite of methods, including molecular, morphological, and cultural. This includes observation and description by fluorescence, light, and electron microscopy, isolation on thirteen separate cultural media, polymerase chain reaction amplification, DNA sequencing, and phylogenetic analyses. Eleven accretion ice core sections, as well as two glacial ice core sections. As well as two glacial ice core sections will be studied. The accretion ice core sections, as well as two glacial ice core sections will be studied. The accretion ice core sections represent all of the major regions of the lake that have been sampled by the accretion process in the vicinity of the Vostok 5G ice core. The broader impacts of the work relate to the impact the results will have on the filed. These long=isolated lakes, deep below the Antarctic ice sheet may contain novel uniquely adapted organisms. Glacial ice contains an enormous diversity of entrapped microbes, some of which may be metabolically active in the ice. The microbes from Lake Vostok are of special interest, since they are adapted to cold, dark, and high pressure. Thus, their enzyme systems and biochemical pathways may be significantly different from those in the microbes that are the subject of current studies. As such, these organisms may form compounds that may have useful applications. Also, study of the accretion ice, and eventually the water, from Lake Vostok will provide a basis for the study of other subglacial lakes. Additionally, study of the microbes in the accretion ice will be useful to those planning to study analogous systems on ice-covered planets and moons.
Title  Comprehensive Biological Study of Vostok Accretion Ice
publication date 2008
cited responsible party - author
individual Name  Rogers, Scott O.
organisation Name  Bowling Green State University, Department of Biological Sciences, Bowling Green, OH, 43403, US
Contact information
Postal Address:
electronic Mail Address:
cited responsible party - publisher
organisation Name  U.S. Antarctic Program (USAP) Data Center
No contact information provided.
Topic Category:   geoscientificInformation
Resource language:   eng
Resource progress code:   Complete
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Use limitation statement:
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States [CC BY-NC-SA 3.0]
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Legal Constraints
Access Constraints   license
Other constraints
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States [CC BY-NC-SA 3.0]
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Security Constraints
Classification  unclassified
Resource extent
Extent description
Lake Vostok
Geographic Extent
Sample Location (gmlPos):  -72.4667 106.8
Resource extent
Temporal Extent
2005-07-15 2008-06-30
funderName:NSF:GEO:PLR:Antarctic Organisms and Ecosystems awardNumber:0536870 awardTitle:Comprehensive Biological Study of Vostok Accretion Ice
point of contact - pointOfContact
individual Name  Rogers, Scott O.
organisation Name  Bowling Green State University, Department of Biological Sciences, Bowling Green, OH, 43403, US
No contact information provided.
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name  landing page
protocol  WWW:LINK-1.0-http--link
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Metadata data stamp:  2018-05-17
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notes:  This metadata record was generated by an xslt transformation from a DataCite metadata record; The transform was created by Damian Ulbricht and Stephen M. Richard. 2017-11-15 these records include new IEDA keywords for geoportal facets Run on 2018-06-21T19:05:24-07:00
Metadata contact - pointOfContact
organisation Name  Interdisciplinary Earth Data Alliance
Contact information
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Linkage for online resource
link function  browseGraphic
Metadata scope code  dataset
Metadata hierarchy level name:  Dataset
Metadata language   eng
Metadata character set encoding:   utf8
Metadata standard for this record:  ISO 19139 Geographic Information - Metadata - Implementation Specification
standard version:  2007
Metadata record identifier:  urn:ieda:metadataabout:10.15784-600052
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